Time is money. Save both when you choose to buy software and outsource your custom development and integration rather than building your software or developing your customizations.
Take advantage of our team’s expertise and let us build your customizations and integrations. If you want to build your customizations for our software, have your team consult with us during your development.
Meet all of your unique requirements with our seamless solutions, and let us help you create what your business needs.
The Advantage of Buy vs. Build
Yurbi has been designed to be highly customizable to meet your business needs. If anyone on your team has development skills, they will easily integrate within both the front-end interface and the backend APIs.
Even if you don’t have all the right development skills, we can advise your team on building your integration. If you have absolutely no development skills or prefer to outsource this project, we will even build your integrations and customizations for you.
Instead of spending a large amount of money building your own software and waiting for it to be ready, companies can simply buy our software for a much lower price and be market-ready much faster.
This cost savings alone will give you more money to spend on product development or another useful aspect of your business. Choosing to buy instead of build saves you valuable time getting your business and offerings to market.
Yurbi can be seamlessly embedded with your application for our white label partners. We can help with the code to get your integration done as quickly as possible and use our API to auto-provision users and security profiles.
Report output formats are customizable, so your company can produce reports in the specific format you require. Your team can generate this using standard web languages, or we can help you create the customized report formats you need, whatever they may be.
How We Can Help
Of course, we are not writing this post without telling you how Yurbi can help, and here’s the best part -- we can do it with flying colors.
The customizations and integrations capable with Yurbi are extensive. Suppose your team has HTML, JavaScript, REST, and SOAP API programming skills. In that case, you will be able to manage these customizations yourself or contact us to advise your development team on how best to build your integrations.
Suppose your team doesn’t have these programming skills, or you’d rather outsource your custom development and integrations. In that case, we can create seamless integrations in the Yurbi front-end interface and the backend APIs.
Leverage our expertise and reach your business goals in a faster and more cost-effective way. We can help with code to integrate with your white label applications and create customized report formats that suit your business needs.
Save your money and get to market faster when you choose to buy our software rather than build your own. Customize Yurbi yourself, including other “Done For You Services” here according to your needs, consult with our team on development, or allow us to customize and integrate everything you need for your business fully.