A modern embedded analytics BI tool can save your day.
The integration of data, reports, dashboards, visualizations, and other potent business intelligence capabilities into an application is known as embedded analytics business intelligence (also known as BI).
By giving users access to pertinent data and information in real-time, integrated analytics will greatly increase the appeal of your product to customers without requiring the creation of separate BI tools that detract from your brand and user experience.
If you’re a software vendor that needs an embedded analytics business intelligence tool to add or embed into your existing software, you’ll need to do some thorough research. In this guide, we’ll break down ten key attributes and features that a solid modern embedded analytics BI tool should have.
10 Must-Have Features In Modern Embedded Analytics BI Tool
1. Multi-Tenant Security for Embedded Analytics BI Tool
Data security or tenant privacy in a multi-tenancy setting is referred to as multi-tenancy security. Efficiency and lower maintenance costs are what drive multi-tenancy hosting the most, whereas security is the first issue that comes to mind when the concept is brought up.
Giving dozens or hundreds of renters access to the same application or database that other tenants are using increases the risk of one of them accidentally or intentionally exploiting someone else's data. Because of this, security becomes a top priority in multi-tenancy. SaaS companies now protect their tenants' data in a fundamentally different way than they did in the past and the embedded BI tool must support your approach.
The privacy and confidentiality of sensitive data are two major security concerns for tenants working in a multi-tenant cloud environment. Thus, it is vital that your embedded analytics BI tool offers multi-tenant security.
2. Dynamic Data Source Connections
Dynamic data source connections are important for hybrid software vendors, especially when you host separate environments/databases per customer.
A common architecture these days is a hybrid SaaS approach, where you have a multi-tenant database for the majority of customers, but for some large customers, you offer a dedicated database.
You don’t want to have to copy and edit data source strings for all your embedded reports; it can be a change management nightmare.
Having a BI tool that has dynamic data source connection strings allows vendors to have a common set of dashboards and reports for their applications but can still dynamically pull the data from a specific database depending on whom the user or customer is.
3. White label for Embedded Analytics BI Tool
When a tool or product offers white labeling capabilities, it substitutes its own branding by the request of the customer for the customer’s brand on the final product.
For instance, if you visit a retail store, you'll see that a variety of things are available under the store's own brand. This does not necessarily imply that the retail establishment is the manufacturer of these goods. They have a number of businesses that already offer those goods and are willing to package them in the retail store's packaging as opposed to their own.
You don’t want another brand’s branding to take over your application. When it comes to looking for a modern embedded analytics BI tool, one would need full branding control, so the product can match the brand’s design and style.
Look for a tool that makes it easy to remove branding and replace it with the vendor’s branding to provide a more cohesive experience for the user.
4. Privacy and Data Security for Your Embedded Analytics BI Tool
Privacy and data security are not only important for your users, but also important for your application in terms of regulatory compliance and reputation. It is usually a smart move to have a self-hosted BI tool, which means you can install the tool in your own app’s environment behind your firewall and not have to integrate with a third-party vendor. Doing so can expose your data outside of your control, so you could consider opting for self-hosted BI tools as a security measure.
Behind the firewall of your business, you maintain secure control of all consumer information.
Additionally, there is no need for external networks or third parties to interface with your environment because doing so could jeopardize security and performance.
Additionally, users of self-hosted systems have direct access to embedded BI web pages and APIs within their own domain space. As a result, there are no issues with cross-security browsers and external networks.
5. Easy for Business Users
If you are creating an application for business users (which you likely are if you need an embedded analytics BI tool), make sure to look for something that makes the user experience extremely easy. A self-service, ad-hoc-oriented tool will ensure that your business users have the most dependable and cohesive experience possible.
6. Audit and Data Governance
Your application (including your embedded analytics BI tool) should have a system that gives your users analytics on the usage of the dashboard and reports, so you can learn what content is useful and what end users are engaged.
You should seek out an embedded analytics BI tool with a user-friendly interface and functionalities, as well as one with strong auditing features that enable the admins of the tool to monitor all user behavior within the application.
7. Robust Analytic Features
Your tool of choice should offer quite a bit in terms of bells and whistles. Look for embedded analytics BI tools that offer significant and robust analytic features, such as filtering, drill-down, and data slicing and dicing.
The features that are included in your tool of choice should also be scalable. Scalability refers to a tool’s ability to be quickly deployable and easy to grow with the app it is implemented into.
A strong embedded analytics BI solution should be able to integrate with few issues or roadblocks. With a scalable BI technology, the entire organization should have access to embedded dashboards and reports, rather than just data teams and C-level executives.
8. Dashboards and Visualizations
In addition to robust analytic features, solid embedded analytics BI tools should offer easy-to-customize dashboards and visualizations. What’s the point of embedded analytics if that data can’t be organized and visualized in a way that can help businesses make sense of their data? Just as well, not everything is a report– seeing the big picture graphically and making it easy to see trends is absolutely vital.
Interactive reporting should also be a priority.
Users should be able to dive down and use filters inside the dashboards and reports you give, at the very least, thanks to embedded BI tools. The embedded pre-delivered reports and dashboards should allow users to delve down into visualizations, apply applicable filters, and interact with them.
By enabling interaction within an embedded UI, this promotes a culture of data-driven discovery and provides consumers with the idea that their data is in their hands.
9. Affordable
Cost is another factor to consider.
A solid embedded analytics BI tool really shouldn't cost an arm and leg.
And if you’re dealing with tight budgets, it’s necessary to find a well-priced tool.
Keep in mind that your tool’s surface-level cost isn’t the entire picture worth considering. In addition to the cost of the software, also consider the cost of implementation, training, operations, and maintenance.
10. Great Support and Customer Service
Great support and customer service are vital for an embedded analytics BI tool in a number of ways.
This is something normally not considered, but you don't buy software alone these days. The best solutions have great customer support.
That support should also include technical support. Future analytics projects in your software will be built on the architecture of an embedded analytics solution. It must be adaptable, strong, and able to take into account a variety of factors, including multi-tenancy and the various infrastructure models present in the landscape of today's digital transformation.
Finding an analytics platform partner who supports a wide variety of architectures and provides a design that can be customized around your long-term goals requires extra work during the planning phase.
Whatever the business industry, use case, or type of user base, each component of your tool of choice should be designed to be extremely adaptable and versatile when it comes to being incorporated into applications. Your provider should provide technical support in addition to that customization, including assistance with installation, integration, and launch of the entire application as well as specialized issues.
How Yurbi Can Help
Businesses need these ten critical features on their embedded analytics BI tool in order to provide the best quality of service to their customers through systematic data presentation and processing. Without these qualities, it would be hard for business owners to provide their customers the quality of service that they deserve.
That’s why they need a modern embedded analytics BI tool that can help them perform these simple functions and even more without ripping their pockets apart.
Yurbi has these qualities in its system which can be extremely helpful for business owners, especially those in small and medium-sized enterprises.
From data visualization to embedded analytics, Yurbi has got you covered. It has the best range of tools and functions that a company needs in presenting, processing, and interpreting data that can help them make informed decisions about their company’s operations.
Its customer service is also superb, as they make you feel that you are a VIP without spending a lot of pennies.
If you are curious (and we know you are), reach out to us by setting up a meeting or booking a free live demo session to see how Yurbi can change your life in a heartbeat.