Business intelligence software is revolutionizing HR by transforming recruitment, performance tracking, and workforce planning. Learn how advanced dat...
Software that works in both cloud and on-premise environments has one specific requirement when it comes to embedded analytics. The embedded Business...
Yurbi provides the best of both worlds; interactive web-based dashboards and the scheduled delivery of reports via email (and in multiple output form...
Most embedded analytics tools charge and arm and a leg for multi-tenant, data-level security. The good news, Yurbi is affordable and includes all the...
BI tools are known for providing a great front-end for display and querying of data sources, but many don't offer a robust API to provide data integra...
Yurbi helps turns your data into a tool for the people within your organization who need it the most, your business users. All of which will rejoice a...
The reason we call our software Yurbi, or “Your Business Intelligence”, is because end users can personalize their own interactive data dashboards by...