Perpetual Licensing is dead.
At least according to Tableau. On September 4, 2020, they officially put a stake in the heart of their perpetual license model via this post on their blog - https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/2020/9/perpetual-license-end-of-sale.
It’s one of the changes that we at 5000fish have seen for a while in not just the BI industry but in the software industry as a whole. And with the purchase of Tableau by Salesforce, one of the innovators in the software as a service industry, it doesn’t come as an unexpected announcement.
Tableau without a doubt is one of the best BI tools in the industry and a leader in the area of data visualization. But it comes with a price these days that many small business can no longer afford. And while subscription pricing started as a benefit to small business, it has now become a burden to cash flow. We detailed the Tableau Server pricing model in this blog.
Long Live Perpetual Licensing
We’ve talked a lot about the benefits of perpetual licensing quite a bit on our blog, specifically in this blog post comparing it directly to a subscription based price model. And as a company, we provide both options.
DashboardFox, which is our brand geared toward the internal team use case (and resellers) has a perpetual, one-time fee, no-subscription pricing model.
Yurbi, our brand geared toward white label, embedded analytics, and enterprise customers has an annual subscription based pricing model.
So we’re not going to be hypocritical and knock Tableau for it’s move, but we don’t want to let anyone that is seeking a powerful dashboard and reporting platform with a perpetual license model to know, that one does still exist...... DashboardFox.
Contact Us To Discuss Your Requirements
DashboardFox is not a replacement for Tableau (see our comparison here), at least that’s not our aim (some customers do find it all they need).
We see our products as complimentary. Data analysts love Tableau, but companies find the cost prohibitive to provide dashboards and reports to their wider audience and teams. And the learning curve is steep for business users. So what ends up happening, that Data Analysts starts spending a lot of time PDFing and exporting data to send to the team.
DashboardFox can connect to the same data source as Tableau and provide a presentation layer, as well as self-service BI features such as interactive dashboards, codeless report building, scheduled emails, and more, at a fraction of the cost.
And DashboardFox is still a perpetual license model.
Learn more by contacting us for a live demo, start a trial, engage with our team and you will see the difference and the benefits of how DashboardFox can help your organization.